Course assessment

Assessment Tasks
Weighting (%)
Continuous assessment
Individual presentation on the subject-based e-Learning plan for sustainable development in a school for a key learning area
Group Project
A complete funding proposal based on the application requirement of a funding agency to initiate a potential school-based e-Learning project in a chosen subject area and theme

Objectives of Assignment
The assignment is an individual presentation on an English subject-based e-Learning plan for sustainable development in a school for a key learning area. The objective is for participants to plan and explain how the content and skills of integrating I.T. can be implemented in their school context in a practical, effective and sustainable manner.
·       Students will develop a plan to improve the effectiveness of teaching in a key learning area through the effective integration of I.T.
·       The plan should address the rationale for specific I.T. approaches for the key learning area
·       The plan should address the implementation requirements (including schedule, training needs, resources, incentives, etc.)
·       The plan should include evaluation criteria
·       The presentation will be evaluated according to the assessment rubric
Assignment Presentation
·       Students will present their individual plan orally, with visual support, within 10 minutes during class time. The presentations may be recorded for moderation purposes.
·       Students may choose a live oral presentation or a recorded video presentation. No difference in grading will be accorded to the alternative modes of presentation.
·       Students will make their presentations on 8th or 9th February 2018.
 Assignment Guidelines

The Individual Presentation (IP) assignment is an opportunity to reflect on learning across the courses in this program and to plan an effective plan for implementation of I.T. in the English subject of your school, facilitated by discussion with fellow classmates. As schools differ in their resources, readiness and goals, the presentation of the plan will be made individually, allowing the maximum amount of tailoring to the school context of each teacher.

Address the key questions during the final presentation:
·       What is the status of e-learning in the English subject of your school?
·       What is a key learning area in English that would be well served by the integration of I.T.?
·       What will need to be done to meet the objectives in terms of administration/organization, training of staff/experience sharing, and development of resources?
·       What is the rationale of this approach?
·       What are the short-term and long-term objectives of your plan?

Each IP will be 8 - 10 minutes, with 2-3 minutes of feedback and questions allotted afterwards.
Individual Presentations can be made in one of two modes: Oral or Video. Students must choose one of the two modes during class on January 11 and it is at the instructor’s discretion to limit the number of each mode for scheduling purposes.

Oral presentations (with visual support, such as PowerPoint, Slides or Prezi) will be made in class on 8th or 9th February 2018. The presentation materials, such as PowerPoint, should be made available to the instructor on that day.

Video presentations will need to be uploaded on Moodle on 8th February 2018. The presentation video should be made available to the instructor on that day.


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