Lecture 4 Teaching Writing and Speaking with IT tools
1. Teaching Writing with IT tools
Collecting ideas:
Padlet, Lino, Google form, etc.Making writing authentic: An example of collecting ideas using Google form
Organizing ideas:
XMind APPPopplet, a Mind Mapping Tool. How to Make a Popplet
Writing the ideas:
Process writing: Padlet, Lino, Google form, etc.Collaborative writing: Wiki. Let's write a story together.
Writing dialogues - making your own story: Comics Head. How to create your own comic using Comics Head: a template
Dividing writing into small tasks
An example of using Padlet to teach how to use comparative and superlative adjectivesWriting short sentences. An example of writing with Google wheel
Contextualizing writing. An example of using Google Form to teach authentic report-writing
Feedback on grammar: Grammarly
Feedback on the content & organization.
2. Teaching speaking with IT tools
Chatterpix. Give your photos a voice with ChatterPix! Chatterpix can make anything talk -- pets, friends, doodles, and more!Seesaw. Students explore a variety of powerful tools (like drawing, voice recording, taking videos, and more!) to show what they know in the way that works best for them.
Seesaw Introduction for Families
Seesaw for Schools
Touch Cast
Speaking & Writing your own story. Toontastic APP
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